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2019-09-14 14:02:37 UTC


2019-09-14 14:02:53 UTC


Sorry do you see the current state of the UK? You must be having a laugh

2019-09-14 14:03:32 UTC



2019-09-14 14:23:56 UTC

China number won

2019-09-14 14:27:04 UTC

china is number one in many fields though,
for instance; shitiest place to live, most extrajudicial executions, most violations of international law, most intellectual property stolen, the list goes on.

2019-09-14 14:30:24 UTC

second-least amount of dictators though, at 1

2019-09-14 14:35:06 UTC

Keep the links, talk and posting to the politics of the channel please. Do not post off topic, that is what we have the Xenoi channels for. Thank you!

2019-09-14 14:35:09 UTC

2019-09-14 14:47:43 UTC

Tulsi 2020

The Dem Debates have been... interesting. To me, it seems like they're more interested in immigrants and illegals more than Americans.

2019-09-14 14:58:35 UTC

I don't even think they're legitimately interested in immigrants and illegals, they're more interested in virtue signaling to white college-educated suburban women

2019-09-14 15:00:58 UTC
2019-09-14 15:01:49 UTC

Automated agriculture here we come.

2019-09-14 15:06:22 UTC

>hong kong is #1
>china is #113

2019-09-14 15:07:20 UTC


2019-09-14 15:07:24 UTC

This is definitely not accurate

2019-09-14 15:07:37 UTC

Sweden is less economically free than Austria, they got something mixed up

2019-09-14 15:08:22 UTC

@ETBrooD sarcasm, yay or nay?

Austria is 26th and sweeden is 35th on their list?

2019-09-14 15:09:31 UTC

Oh sry looked at the wrong site

2019-09-14 15:09:57 UTC

Aight, then it's relatively accurate

2019-09-14 16:28:22 UTC


2019-09-14 16:28:43 UTC


2019-09-14 16:28:49 UTC


2019-09-14 16:31:11 UTC

America good Syria bad

2019-09-14 17:04:22 UTC

When the best candidate has the least amount of speaking time @Rabbi Haim Shekelstien

2019-09-14 18:01:02 UTC

We fight for liberty under our Great leader

2019-09-14 18:03:56 UTC


2019-09-14 20:02:53 UTC


2019-09-14 21:41:55 UTC

such enrichment

2019-09-14 23:20:14 UTC

I shouldn't be furious, but I am

2019-09-14 23:49:26 UTC

New channel?

2019-09-14 23:49:44 UTC

Inform me, how fucked is my country

2019-09-15 00:42:49 UTC

I think that answered my question, was the answer "very"

2019-09-15 00:43:05 UTC

I guess yeah

2019-09-15 00:52:55 UTC

Anyone here live in Connecticut?

2019-09-15 01:00:26 UTC

Cuz in meriden I just heard a fuck ton of gunfire around Hubbard park.

2019-09-15 01:11:42 UTC

Didn't deer season just open?

2019-09-15 01:19:19 UTC

@randomNPCno3 I hope thatโ€™s what it is

2019-09-15 01:24:34 UTC

Seriously, we should just let the Saudis have fun in Iran. Deploy some carrier battle groups to ensure the conflict doesn't get out of hand, but otherwise not interfere. They've got plenty of the good stuff, let *them* do the dying.

2019-09-15 01:27:05 UTC

seriously, not our war, not our problem

2019-09-15 01:27:07 UTC

Yeah, I actually don't see a good reason for the US to get involved

2019-09-15 01:28:05 UTC

Given the current Saudi performance in Yemen so far I don't think they would have a smooth ride in Iran. Apart from that I agree.

2019-09-15 01:29:00 UTC

We could do a couple of passive acts of support, though. Like sharing of satellite intel on where the Iranian troops are massing, etc.

2019-09-15 01:29:02 UTC

even if they completely fuck it up, that seems like their problem, not ours.

2019-09-15 01:29:12 UTC


2019-09-15 02:41:46 UTC

Kek. I was listening to the CSIS conference on Permian production. There was serious concern if we could find demand for the excess supply.


2019-09-15 03:22:06 UTC

do you need a gun license in the US?

2019-09-15 03:22:19 UTC


2019-09-15 03:22:27 UTC


2019-09-15 03:22:27 UTC

only for class 3 and special cases

2019-09-15 03:22:44 UTC

just pass a background check. its super annoying though

2019-09-15 03:22:44 UTC

you need a drivers license , but no gun license?

2019-09-15 03:22:48 UTC

so full auto, suppressors, short barrel rifles, can't think of anything else

2019-09-15 03:22:55 UTC

need a license for those

2019-09-15 03:23:33 UTC

you do need a hunting license

2019-09-15 03:23:40 UTC

and that generally means safety courses

2019-09-15 03:23:48 UTC

shouldn't you be calling for some amendment for driving to be some form of god given right?

2019-09-15 03:23:53 UTC


2019-09-15 03:24:04 UTC

driving isnt something that would normally be taken away

2019-09-15 03:24:05 UTC

driving is something you do regularly and can endanger people and property with use. generally you aren't allowed to use a gun

2019-09-15 03:24:38 UTC

like if I shot a gun inside my house or on my property without a reason or prior permit, that could be a felony

2019-09-15 03:25:28 UTC

some localities let you shoot guns wherever but that's generally pretty rural

2019-09-15 03:25:29 UTC

@Smirk Supreme, I doubt those were even Somalis, as this has been my experience with blacks in America. What you see in that video is glorified, reinforced within black culture in my country, while simultaneously encouraged by the left. Part of my childhood was spent growing up in the final vestige of white suburbia, in Jacksonville, FL, surrounded by nothing but ghetto throughout the rest of the city. I've experienced living within areas of all income brackets, and this is what you see exhibited from blacks no matter their status. They're fucking animals; uncivilized animals.

2019-09-15 03:25:37 UTC

We do not have speech licenses or speedy trial licenses either.

2019-09-15 03:26:11 UTC

we do have speech permits

2019-09-15 03:26:20 UTC

depending on the speech

2019-09-15 03:27:51 UTC

@Jym "permian production"

2019-09-15 03:28:49 UTC

@Jym, it's good to see a fellow participant of the CSIS. Good on you.

2019-09-15 03:30:59 UTC


I follow about a half dozen sources on geopolitics lately. It's sort of a hobby at this point.

2019-09-15 03:31:33 UTC

@Jym, that's been my preoccupation over the past few years, so I hear ya.

2019-09-15 03:31:55 UTC

There are times when you simply require a break, however.

2019-09-15 03:33:32 UTC


Yeah. I pretty much keep the bluetooth on at work all day though so finding 8 hours of content a day is a lot easier if you put on a couple roundtable discussions.

2019-09-15 03:33:37 UTC

Did you begin building your archive, yet? ๐Ÿ˜‰

2019-09-15 03:34:11 UTC

@Jym, that's one way to do it!

2019-09-15 03:35:04 UTC

Some states you need to have completed a hunters safety course to purchase firearms

2019-09-15 03:35:29 UTC

But once you've done it no restrictions

2019-09-15 03:35:43 UTC

Watching conferences seems boring though

2019-09-15 03:36:15 UTC

Usually not an issue for people because you can take the course at 10yo well before you can buy a gun

2019-09-15 03:36:51 UTC

It's not a requirement, rather the lacking completion of the course imposes an arbitrary amount of time before they'll sell you the firearm. At least, that's what I've gathered.

2019-09-15 03:37:46 UTC

so imposed cooling off period?

2019-09-15 03:38:17 UTC

What's wrong with a man shooting his cheating wife, @Deleted User?

2019-09-15 03:38:17 UTC

Weird. I'm in a shall-issue state. The only hunting restriction is tags.

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