
Discord ID: 369239885590298624

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2017-11-03 20:16:26 UTC

2017-11-03 20:16:44 UTC

@everyone **good fucking news**

2017-11-03 20:23:56 UTC

Who's that

2017-11-03 20:29:01 UTC

@Herrenvolk - MD. Orwell & Goode has one of the best twitter accounts.

2017-11-03 20:29:18 UTC

He wrote the book "Beat of the heart"

2017-11-03 20:29:44 UTC

What is his real name

2017-11-03 20:29:59 UTC

I have a good plan for getting IE on the podcast

2017-11-03 20:30:24 UTC

> Spread rumors that IE is a vegan club
> Offer them a chacne to refute the claim on the podcast

2017-11-03 20:30:30 UTC

its perfect

2017-11-03 20:31:13 UTC

AWD has already tainted IE as being Siegepilled.

2017-11-03 20:31:47 UTC

Idc, 1st amendmidnt nibba

2017-11-03 20:31:49 UTC

IE is siegepilled tbh

2017-11-03 20:31:55 UTC

they can be/say whatever they want

2017-11-03 20:32:07 UTC

How about you interview a representative of the modern day fascism movement?

2017-11-03 20:32:20 UTC

good idea, ill reach out to /mlpol/

2017-11-03 20:32:27 UTC

@Greg88. Are you for real?

2017-11-03 20:32:33 UTC


2017-11-03 20:32:46 UTC

Eli mosley seems like a douche.

2017-11-03 20:32:48 UTC

i want the leader of to disavow fascism

2017-11-03 20:33:38 UTC

How about Iron March members like Slavros?

2017-11-03 20:33:47 UTC

You have to be a douche to be in IE

2017-11-03 20:33:52 UTC

tbf to Eli

2017-11-03 20:33:55 UTC

nah IE is alright imo

2017-11-03 20:34:24 UTC

they are bro-tier, but they are basically a ethno-right-wing frat house

2017-11-03 20:34:28 UTC

I'm in IE

2017-11-03 20:34:53 UTC

complete with polos and matching jackets

2017-11-03 20:35:02 UTC

i think Eli needs to mandate fistbumps tho

2017-11-03 20:35:34 UTC

@Ms.ElleFish. What kind of political ideology does the group hold?

2017-11-03 20:35:40 UTC

oy vey public shachat

2017-11-03 20:36:06 UTC

"i think IE is okay" that is some deeply triggering speech right there

2017-11-03 20:36:37 UTC

They became cool in my book when Damigo was on HWNDU

2017-11-03 20:36:42 UTC

#its okay to be IE

2017-11-03 20:37:12 UTC

Identity Furrvopa - Nathan The Dingo

2017-11-03 20:41:19 UTC

?play new vegas heartache by the number

2017-11-03 20:41:23 UTC

Added Fallout New Vegas Soundtrack - Heartache by The Number - Guy Mitchell to the queue.

2017-11-03 20:42:46 UTC

@Greg88. What do you have against IE?

2017-11-03 20:43:32 UTC

He is jealous of their fashion

2017-11-03 20:43:58 UTC

i dont even polo

2017-11-03 20:44:07 UTC

@Ḁ̢̧̡̝̭̀̓̇̈̑yeExEye. So I am guessing he is either nonwhite, out of shape, or a poor fag.

2017-11-03 20:46:37 UTC

You nailed it.

2017-11-03 20:46:57 UTC

@Greg88 is black.

2017-11-03 20:47:24 UTC

I cant join IE either, I am a Nigerian Prince who runs a very respectable telemarketing firm

2017-11-03 20:48:06 UTC

Im still waiting for my investment returns. @Ḁ̢̧̡̝̭̀̓̇̈̑yeExEye

2017-11-03 20:48:16 UTC

It should be yuge.

2017-11-03 20:48:31 UTC

My very wealthy uncle will forward trillions to your account after you confirm your e-checking

2017-11-03 20:48:40 UTC

and social of course

2017-11-03 20:50:07 UTC

I am a negro

2017-11-03 20:51:33 UTC

But in all seriousness if I wanted to put up posters and get bitched at by the faggots who run IE

2017-11-03 20:51:37 UTC

?play hudda fire

2017-11-03 20:51:39 UTC

The song is longer than 90 minutes, this is limited for performance purposes.
You can upgrade Dyno to enable this feature and more at <>

2017-11-03 20:51:40 UTC

I could do that on my own

2017-11-03 20:51:53 UTC

?play Hudda Hudda Huh!

2017-11-03 20:51:57 UTC

Added TF2 - Hudda Hudda Huh! to the queue.

2017-11-03 20:55:59 UTC


2017-11-03 20:58:31 UTC

@Greg88 you dont need IE, you need /wg/

2017-11-03 21:03:09 UTC

Welcome back @Captain Kirk JT

2017-11-03 21:04:40 UTC

?play orestes

2017-11-03 21:04:43 UTC

Added 5. Orestes - A Perfect Circle to the queue.

2017-11-03 21:09:26 UTC
2017-11-03 21:09:40 UTC

About time someone with a brain took over

2017-11-03 21:23:29 UTC
2017-11-03 21:26:57 UTC

We now have a brainfag with an IQ of 900000000 leading anticom

2017-11-03 21:27:03 UTC

Shits gonna get good lads

2017-11-03 21:28:20 UTC

@Ḁ̢̧̡̝̭̀̓̇̈̑yeExEye. I know you've been around here way longer than I, but I dont know much about your ideological positions. Would you mind giving me a short description?

2017-11-03 21:52:29 UTC

Survivalist, pro-family, very very pro-1st and 2nd Amendment. All-American idealistically, anti-immigration, pro-tariff, anti-globalist. When it comes to the right wing I support the open and unregulated expression of all viewpoints.

2017-11-03 21:53:50 UTC

The root of my politics is guns though, that comes before everything else as survival is the root purpose of all actions.

2017-11-03 22:16:05 UTC
2017-11-03 22:16:23 UTC

The Colorado recalls got me started.

2017-11-03 22:17:09 UTC

Pepe and I did not see eye too eye

2017-11-03 22:19:48 UTC


2017-11-03 22:20:09 UTC

His server was doomed to fail the moment he started charging dues,forcing members to contribute by doing this IRL,his so called "physical fitness" requirements,and how he would kick people out without talking to both parties and gathering facts.

2017-11-03 22:20:14 UTC


2017-11-03 22:20:17 UTC

ayeex wanna play skull girls later

2017-11-03 22:20:41 UTC

It's okay to be white = *WHITE NATIONALIST*

2017-11-03 22:22:07 UTC

i got to get mikeboss in here

2017-11-03 22:22:38 UTC

Pepe ran the old anticom like some sort of,I don't even know.

2017-11-03 22:23:38 UTC

Like it was him and his inner circle and everyone else was pretty much the plebs

2017-11-03 22:24:49 UTC

And then even his inner circle fuckin wanted him to step down

2017-11-03 22:24:52 UTC

yo do we get a nsfw channel

2017-11-03 22:46:17 UTC

Oh fuggg

2017-11-03 22:48:04 UTC

fyi podcast leader is same as leader, its just named like that to promote the podcast

2017-11-03 22:49:24 UTC


2017-11-03 22:51:57 UTC

@🎄Nesoraxe🎄ᅠ Not under any circumstances

2017-11-03 23:25:32 UTC

holy shit i didnt expect us to be such good memers

2017-11-03 23:29:57 UTC

footage of the coup d`etat earlier today
slavic mercenaries from chechenia attacking pepe`s house

2017-11-03 23:36:33 UTC

?play 403 forbidenna

2017-11-03 23:36:34 UTC

<:dynoError:314691684455809024> Error: Video id (playlist) does not match expected format (/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{11}$/)

2017-11-03 23:37:00 UTC

?play MMD eden

2017-11-03 23:37:05 UTC

Added 【MMD】EDEN |「エデン」 to the queue.

2017-11-03 23:38:48 UTC

2017-11-04 00:22:10 UTC

Tread on me and I'll shoot!

2017-11-04 00:26:50 UTC

@Ḁ̢̧̡̝̭̀̓̇̈̑yeExEye What is your stance on NatSocs, relative with the way AC was headed. Mention me when you reply, or I'll forget

2017-11-04 01:06:26 UTC

@Rush FIRST AMENDMENT. Freely associate and be whatever you want, this is not going to be a gallery for Natsoc imagery though. Put it this way, this is Anticom the way it was originally, PR will be a thing here. For those who want a specficially natsoc group they can freely associate with the nth groups out there. This is a group for those who will ignore the teachings of Frankfurt Marxism and who internalize a rebellion against those who preach its dogmas. Siege-posting is banned for now due to Discord's regressive-left owners drooling over delet excuses.

2017-11-04 01:06:55 UTC

Anyone with a sock jump in here.

2017-11-04 01:10:40 UTC

Anticom is going to be normal again basically, the media will focus on dismantling all forms of Frankfurt and Commie dogmas.

1,269 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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