
Discord ID: 399762365182115850

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2018-02-04 03:20:04 UTC

maryland is full of libtard shits

2018-02-04 03:20:06 UTC

the end

2018-02-04 03:38:26 UTC

actually funny enough most of you here probably know more than me

2018-02-04 03:38:52 UTC

i think its a good idea to post candidates for each state in the relevant state section

2018-02-04 14:36:25 UTC

we need to bring in Manning as a straw candidate

2018-02-04 16:20:16 UTC

What can I do from Massachusettes?

2018-02-04 16:20:38 UTC


2018-02-04 16:21:18 UTC

Maryland is so fucked I think the only way to have any sort of 'victory' there is by having Manning nominated so it'll either:
a) lose
b) win and make a national embarrassment of the democratic party

2018-02-04 16:22:34 UTC

could you fucking imagine having manning in a congressional hearing?

2018-02-04 16:58:51 UTC

@jackborne1893 vote for that poo in loo running against pocahontas

2018-02-04 16:59:22 UTC

he's switching to Independent, right?

2018-02-04 16:59:41 UTC

I'd certainly vote him in for Senate, what is there to lose

2018-02-04 16:59:52 UTC

he's not running as a Republican ?

2018-02-04 17:00:45 UTC


2018-02-04 17:00:50 UTC


2018-02-04 17:00:57 UTC

that's going to make it even harder to unseat Warren

2018-02-04 17:01:13 UTC

well, this is already a hail mary, isn't it

2018-02-04 17:01:38 UTC

we'll hope for the best

2018-02-04 17:01:49 UTC

posters and the such for him will work out

2018-02-04 19:57:43 UTC

Shiva was in Boston for the Rally that happened after Cville, I do remember that

2018-02-04 21:40:46 UTC

We need to get Rush Limbaugh to do another "Operation Chaos" and getting Manning elected as the Dem Nominee

2018-02-04 21:41:05 UTC


2018-02-05 23:03:59 UTC

Maryland is so fucked we tax when it rains..

2018-02-06 02:20:13 UTC

god the rain tax is dumb

2018-02-06 02:20:19 UTC

we cant even collect our own rain water

2018-02-06 03:18:07 UTC

Wait do you play Warhammer...

2018-02-06 03:18:46 UTC


2018-02-06 03:18:49 UTC

im just a geek

2018-02-06 03:18:53 UTC

i dont have the money

2018-02-12 00:43:35 UTC

Who's Manning?

2018-02-12 00:53:21 UTC


2018-02-12 00:53:29 UTC

pardoned by Obama for being transgender

2018-02-12 00:55:49 UTC

Oh him

2018-02-21 19:35:37 UTC

Maryland reporting in

2018-02-21 19:36:57 UTC


2018-02-21 22:59:28 UTC

calling all Baltimorons DM me?

2018-02-21 22:59:51 UTC

gotta set up our groups i'm actually a former resident.. some day will come back to reconquer it ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-02-21 23:00:01 UTC

Lol Gaithersburg

2018-02-21 23:00:12 UTC

That's where I'm from

2018-02-21 23:00:21 UTC


2018-02-21 23:00:33 UTC

more by DC i guess.. but the DC scene is lit

2018-02-21 23:01:11 UTC

see im trying to see if theres anything besides leftist cuckoldry going on in Bmore because that stuff was already dying out while i was there... at least as far as positive activism goes rather than rioting and getting beaten up by your moms on camera

2018-02-22 04:42:35 UTC

@BurgerBandit oh gaithersburg not too far

2018-02-22 04:43:32 UTC


2018-02-22 04:44:07 UTC

its not as liberal as more beltway parts

2018-02-27 10:02:19 UTC

I wouldnt expect anything less.. kek

2018-02-27 19:46:59 UTC

Who remembers when the mayor of Baltimore came to Morrell Park and had a meltdown on the misbehaved students?

2018-02-28 04:57:56 UTC

@Teh_Alchemist Can you elaborate? How did the media react to said meltdown

2018-02-28 14:07:49 UTC

Who rawling Blake or Pugh?

2018-03-01 17:30:17 UTC

"collusion with the nra"

2018-03-01 17:30:31 UTC

bugger me

2018-03-01 17:32:49 UTC


2018-03-03 02:49:42 UTC

are there any shootings where the survivors don't speak out against the second ammendmant ffs

2018-03-03 02:49:53 UTC

it is like they get brainwashed to hate the second ammendmant.

2018-03-03 02:50:05 UTC

Ghetto shootings

2018-03-04 04:51:52 UTC

@WildRooHuntingTutorials I think the Survivors of the Texas Church shooting last month stayed 2A. But I may be wrong. I don't remember any of them calling for Gun Control in their interviews. I doubt the media would have bothered brainwashing them though - Rural, Christian, Working Class, Native Texan victims. I wouldn't be suprised if half of CNNs audience cheered that shooting.

2018-03-15 13:02:29 UTC

Maryland we planning on putting up Allah is LGBT posters in DC on St Patricks Day

2018-03-16 03:18:16 UTC


2018-03-16 05:41:07 UTC


2018-03-16 17:54:38 UTC

we should remove baltimore county and put it in the ocean to reduce crime

2018-03-16 17:55:10 UTC

2018-03-16 17:55:19 UTC

For tomorrow

2018-03-16 20:09:11 UTC


2018-03-16 20:09:16 UTC

link me to the discord for it

2018-03-16 20:11:49 UTC

I've just seen it in <#409515768686968833>

2018-03-19 22:16:54 UTC

2018-03-19 22:17:00 UTC

presented without comment

2018-03-19 22:34:19 UTC

Jesus thatโ€™s Maryland?

2018-03-19 22:42:12 UTC


2018-03-19 22:42:21 UTC

2018-03-19 22:43:03 UTC

Is it supposed to look like that?

2018-03-19 22:43:35 UTC

It just looks like itโ€™s all over the place.

2018-03-20 01:39:32 UTC

Maryland's CDs are insane.

2018-03-20 01:39:45 UTC

It's called gerrymandering.

2018-03-29 17:28:54 UTC

<@&414478081764622336> Who here wants to fill this out

2018-05-13 18:34:03 UTC

So, will that crazy girl win the nomination?

2018-05-13 18:34:39 UTC

Or rather, Crazy Guy.

2018-05-14 03:38:22 UTC

No primaryyet

2018-06-26 23:39:58 UTC

My vote for Senator: Blaine Taylor. Even with 11 candidates (Most don't have a lot or any information about them I could find) the ones I could find information are not perfect on all the issues. He was strongest on immigration.

2018-06-27 04:26:45 UTC

hi maryland fags

2018-06-27 04:26:51 UTC

i'm in maryland right now

2018-07-04 16:03:43 UTC


2018-07-04 16:07:32 UTC

2018-07-04 16:08:59 UTC

2018-07-05 12:31:20 UTC

2018-07-05 12:31:28 UTC

2018-07-05 12:31:55 UTC

Sorry M.D. I โค my State House. I'm always downtown!

2018-07-05 19:50:46 UTC

i kinda miss bodymore

2018-07-05 19:51:05 UTC

actually i worked in annapolis for a while

2018-07-06 15:10:57 UTC

Baltimore is a shit hole.
I don't think they even did an immigration March on 6.30

2018-07-06 15:11:28 UTC

Did you know the NG is missing rounds on ammo after riots? I HOPE the good guys got em

120 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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