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2018-11-03 20:49:32 UTC


2018-11-03 20:49:44 UTC

Can't wait for stubbs to take over this channel lmao

2018-11-03 20:50:30 UTC

If I tape spear to gun am I gunsmith

2018-11-03 20:54:54 UTC

Channel Rules:
1.) No discussion of doing illegal shit. I will immediately ban you for it.

2.) Saying "in Minecraft" after discussing doing illegal shit will not keep you from getting banned, nor will it stop feds fron knocking on your door, you absolute fucking retards.

3.) Don't try and sell guns here. Guns being defined as fully assembled firearms and completed receivers.

4.) This is not a shitposting channel. This is a channel meant for helpful discussion as well as exchanging information pertaining to gunsmithing.

2018-11-03 20:54:59 UTC

2018-11-03 20:56:11 UTC

Ok so serious discussion time: who has user data on the new .300 PRC, it is looking like a contender for the win mag throne but my in depth ballistic knowledge is lackin

2018-11-03 20:58:29 UTC

When did it come out? I haven't heard of it yet

2018-11-03 20:59:20 UTC

They put it put a few weeks ago

2018-11-03 20:59:24 UTC

Before the new factory

2018-11-03 20:59:40 UTC

I'm a shameless hornady fag and also rcbs

2018-11-03 21:03:29 UTC

Oh I like hornady fine, problem is stuff like that only catches on if the manufacturers start putting out rifles at accessible prices, otherwise it goes the way of 6mm creedmoor or any of the countless AR platform 5.56 replacements that arnt 300 aac (or 6.8 to an extent) and becomes harder to find, and higher priced

2018-11-03 21:06:24 UTC

I mean look at 6.5 creed

2018-11-03 21:06:51 UTC


2018-11-03 21:07:07 UTC

Most calibers that aren't in military service drop off after a while

2018-11-03 21:07:26 UTC

Although there has been some new interest in a 6.8 rifle which I'm not opposed to

2018-11-03 21:08:15 UTC

6.5 and 300 look like they are doing fine for what they are from what I see, I haven't seen heads or tails of .224 valk all year though

2018-11-03 21:09:41 UTC

What does seating a projectile more shallowly in the Cartridge do anyway?

2018-11-03 21:09:53 UTC

More powder

2018-11-03 21:10:02 UTC

.224 valk is starting to show up more

2018-11-03 21:10:08 UTC

I thought it was an accuracy thing

2018-11-03 21:10:28 UTC

I've not even had anyone ask if we have it so idk

2018-11-03 21:10:45 UTC

I mean if you move a projectile up even 5 thou it does affect your accuracy

2018-11-03 21:11:33 UTC

Most guns have the bullet 15 thou from the lands of the barrel and the closer you get to the lands the more accurate, but then you run into heat issues when it gets super hot

2018-11-03 21:11:49 UTC

Your stock factory 700 will have it 15 thou

2018-11-03 21:11:58 UTC

Just because the projectile starts out seated in the rifling?

2018-11-03 21:12:09 UTC

Or atleast closer to it

2018-11-03 22:14:26 UTC

My IRL bro thinks the forward assist is a good thing

2018-11-03 22:14:33 UTC

How do I tell him heโ€™s stupid@

2018-11-03 22:15:50 UTC

not stupid just old

2018-11-03 22:16:09 UTC

a forward assist is like retard proofing a rifle

2018-11-03 22:18:09 UTC

I mean is there a problem the forward assist solves

2018-11-03 22:18:32 UTC

If your round doesnโ€™t chamber right the last thing you should do is hit it really hard

2018-11-03 22:30:32 UTC

Anyone who thinks a forward assist is necessary is either old or a marine

2018-11-03 22:31:46 UTC

Minecraft gun ๐Ÿ˜Ž

2018-11-03 22:31:48 UTC


2018-11-03 22:48:26 UTC

Man this channel is gonna be a shit show in no time

2018-11-03 23:31:25 UTC

What tool is used to cut rifling? And what do I need to use one?

2018-11-03 23:31:46 UTC

a lathe i imagine

2018-11-03 23:57:29 UTC

A big ass lathe

2018-11-03 23:58:09 UTC

You'll need a broach

2018-11-03 23:59:11 UTC

Well broach isn't right. A reamer for your maximum thread ID and then something to cut the threads

2018-11-03 23:59:33 UTC

5r better if you want to put the work into it

2018-11-04 00:34:52 UTC

I doubt it's a lathe

2018-11-04 00:34:56 UTC

Not a normal one

2018-11-04 00:56:37 UTC

define normal

2018-11-04 00:56:44 UTC

you know what

2018-11-04 00:56:48 UTC

get a drill press and try it

2018-11-04 01:00:30 UTC

It will run on a normal lathe

2018-11-04 01:00:53 UTC

Its gonna blow chunks and your gonna be hanging off the end but it will run

2018-11-04 01:45:00 UTC

Even then that still doesn't answer the question of what kind of cutter it is

2018-11-04 01:46:05 UTC

I recrowned a mosin can I post in here?

2018-11-04 01:47:36 UTC

I forget the tool name

2018-11-04 01:47:42 UTC

GTS nigga

2018-11-04 05:18:12 UTC

Rifling is traditionally cut by a special gun drilling machine. Its a single purpose machine that pushes a very hard button through the barrel repeatedly. Sometimes 1 machine is several spindles together. They are liquid cooled.

2018-11-04 05:18:16 UTC

2018-11-04 05:19:13 UTC

Here is the cutting edge and base. You can see the holes for the coolant.

2018-11-04 05:19:16 UTC

2018-11-04 05:21:21 UTC

You just push the carbide through and the lubricant keeps it from setting itself on fire & floats the chips out

2018-11-04 05:25:20 UTC

Home rifling to commercial quality is not possible. You can produce "rifling" with some screw jigs. Remember it's two steps. 1. Drill barrel from bar stock 2. Cut grooves with high pressure carbide button

2018-11-04 05:26:18 UTC

I never got into rifling

2018-11-04 05:26:45 UTC

Just buy a kreiger, proof, or bartlen

2018-11-04 05:26:49 UTC

Get it hand lapped

2018-11-04 05:28:03 UTC

You can cut some not terrible rifling if you have a smooth barrel blank that is reamed correctly already & a hydraulic press

2018-11-04 05:30:37 UTC

You will need a button like this

2018-11-04 05:30:41 UTC

2018-11-04 05:31:28 UTC

You got the print for a 5r button?

2018-11-04 05:33:42 UTC

Just get a catalog from whatever tool supplier is willing to sell to you

2018-11-04 05:34:37 UTC

I'm pretty sure 5r can be cut with a button rather than an expensive broach. As long as the twist rate is the same inside

2018-11-04 05:35:01 UTC

Weird looking rifling I tell you hwat. First i've seen it

2018-11-04 05:36:51 UTC


2018-11-04 05:36:59 UTC

It's so much better than standard imo

2018-11-04 05:37:37 UTC

It applies better pressure on the bullet and equalizes the spin

2018-11-05 01:27:05 UTC

I worked making coonans for half a year, anyone familiar with them?

2018-11-05 02:24:27 UTC

Was rimlock ever a big issue?

2018-11-05 02:40:54 UTC

Depends on the gun

2018-11-05 02:41:02 UTC

Enfields, with proper ammo? Almost never

2018-11-05 02:41:37 UTC

Mannlicher rifles had the en-blocks to stop it from happening, and nuggets

2018-11-05 02:41:40 UTC


2018-11-05 02:41:43 UTC

Theyโ€™re nuggets

2018-11-05 02:44:18 UTC

@Alpharius I know coonan fal receivers are currently the big gay

2018-11-05 02:45:19 UTC

Fuck off Reich we talking bout Coonans

2018-11-05 02:46:32 UTC


2018-11-05 02:47:03 UTC

And enfields rimlock like a motherfucker don't try to tell me otherwise

2018-11-05 03:10:33 UTC

Sorry I didnโ€™t catch the Coonan part

2018-11-05 03:10:44 UTC

And Iโ€™ll tell you youโ€™re a fucking moron

2018-11-05 03:11:59 UTC

Original mark 7 and 8 ball, and all the stuff before and after pretty much never rimlocks

2018-11-05 03:12:10 UTC

And anything with correctly made cases is fine too

2018-11-05 03:12:23 UTC

Itโ€™s modern hunting loads that cause problems

2018-11-05 03:12:55 UTC

Itโ€™s like using modern 30-06 in a Garand, just less severe:
Use correct ammo and thereโ€™s no problem

2018-11-05 03:13:52 UTC

Rimlock is inherent to a box magazine fed rifle using a Rimfire Cartridge, how does older ammo change the issue, is the rim less square?

2018-11-05 03:14:34 UTC

The Garand's issue isn't feeding due to Cartridge shape it's pressure, that doesn't make any sense as a comparison

2018-11-05 03:15:07 UTC

How, mechanically, does "correct" 303 solve rimlock

2018-11-05 03:16:47 UTC

the rim is beveled so that rounds slide over each other when inserted, and the internal geometry of the magazine is set up to allow and encourage this

2018-11-05 03:17:04 UTC

Ok, so it IS less square

2018-11-05 03:17:09 UTC

That makes sense

2018-11-05 03:17:18 UTC

Correct use of stripper clips with proper ammo = no rimlock

2018-11-05 03:18:18 UTC

Yeah, I haven't done anything with any surp 303, just modern FMJs, so that makes sense

2018-11-05 03:19:00 UTC

The beveling might also help with the cartridges slipping over each other on me as I load the clip

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